Monday, May 11, 2009

Dear PR Leaders and PR supporters,

Congratulations to DS Nijar and PR Leaders for they who won the 1st half battle of the constitutional issues but don't be too carried away for this moment.

UM-No/BN (Najis/Zombie) not going to just let off the current political developments of the court ruling as they would appeal soon. It might be a strategy of getting the Rakyat thought that the judiciary commisssion was acting justifiably in the 1st half of this battle but on the 2nd half, the court may ruled otherwise. Be reminded that this agency (JC) is still the UM-No/BN horse.

Once this happen, PR will have a major set back and cry fouls of the JC's integrity and therefore any objections by PR of the court ruling that cannot be accepted by PR would be seen as uncivilised or "KIASU" !! (The 1st half UM-No/BN can accept court ruling but 2nd half court ruling cannot be accepted by PR).

PR just have to be very careful and strategizing the next course of action.
Anyway, as supporter of PR, I still believe in people's power and the best solutions to end the whole episode is to dissolved the assembly and go for a fresh elction.

The PERAK peoples and MINDFULL Malaysian are 1000% behind PR.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear Readers,
Good days to all PR Leaders.

Subject: Hypocrites of One Malaysia, People First, Performance Now

The real facts from the bottom heart of NAJIS definitions of the 3 phrases.

1) “One Malaysia” means “My Malaysia”
2) “People First” means “Grab First”
3) “Performance Now” means “Detain Now”

This is what was happening in PERAK state couple days ago (07-May-2009) and the PERAKIANS and the whole Malaysian have seen with their bare-eye of what UM-No/BN have cordoned with such a low esteem and dignity. Majority of the Malaysians would never forget about the incidents of this recent aggression by the UM-No/BN pirates in denying the rights of the peoples especially for the rightful and legitimate speaker of the house YB V. SIVAKUMAR.

Let’s all Malaysian without putting barrier between races and religions be one to push forwards the fairness, equality together with all PR Leaders and restore the democratic system as well as restoring the rights of Malaysian Citizens.

All these ongoing political incidents that specifically denying the rights of Malaysian Citizens by this UM-No/BN pirates would have (in a sense) be a good reason for the peoples to remember, thus, when comes PRU-13, UM-No/BN pirates would be displace and rejected by peoples in the ballot boxes

All that have been said, the peoples and PR fights would bring about change for the democracy and for betterment of our economies.

Let’s keep up the momentum together with PR Leaders, we fights to a greater democracy.

10-May-2009 : 18.08
YAB DSAI, Salam Sejahtera dan kepada semua pemimpin PR.

RE: 1 Malaysia, People First, Performance Now

Sebenarnya apa yang Najis halusi diisi hatinya adalah;

1) "My Malaysia"
2) "Grab First"
3) "Detain Now"

Inilah yang berlaku di Perak tempoh hari (07-Mei-2009) secara langsung dan rakyat telah menyaksikan segala perbuatan UM-No/BN yang begitu rendah maruah. Rakyat Malaysia khususnya orang Perak tidak akan lupa akan perbuatan ke-lanun-nan berikutan mencabuli hak hak yang sepatutnya berada pada Ahli DUN selaku Speaker Dewan yang sah, YB V. Sivakumar.

Marilah seluruh rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira bangsa atau kaum bersatupadu menegakkan keadilan bersama pemimpin PR mengembalikan sistem demokrasi berperlembagaan dan berparlimen justeru mengembalikan hak hak kepada rakyat Malaysia.

Peristiwa-peristiwa politik yang berlaku hari demi hari secara amnya oleh UM-No/BN yang menafikan hak-hak rakyat dengan cara ke-lanun-nan ada-punya baik kerana ia akan terus memperingatkan rakyat Malaysia dengan hati yang membara untuk terus menolak UM-No/BN pada masa terdekat dan di PRU-13.

Semoga perjuangan PR dan rakyat Malaysia akan membawa perubahan positif dari segi sistem demokrasi mahupun pembangunan ekonomi negara Malaysia yang dicintai oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

People first, performance now is actually "Rampas dulu & Tangkap Sekarang"

Salam Sejahtera kepada semua pemimpin PR.

Marilah seluruh rakyat Malaysia menolak pimpinan UM-No BN.

Apa yang dilaungkan oleh najis "PEOPLE FIRST" dan "PERFORMANCE NOW" sebenarnya ialah "RAMPAS DULU" dan "TANGKAP SEKARANG" dimana rakyat Malaysia dapat saksikan tempoh hari di DUN Perak.

Keangkuhan politik Um-No BN yang berlaku setiap hari dan juga merampas hak hak rakyat dalam negara yang mengamalkan sistem demokrasi berparlimen tidak akan terlepas begitu sahaja kerana seluruh rakyat Malaysia telahpun membuat pilihan apa yang sepatutnya mereka buat di PRU-13 akan datang.

Rakyat Malaysia, marilah kita bersatupadu dan membuat perubahan bagi memulihkan sistem demokrasi negara kita yang amat kita cintai supaya UM-No BN tidak dapat menafikan hak hak rakyatnya sendiri.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Perak illegal UMNO/BN government

To all readers,

One might thought that perak has already got a new government but let's be very clear of the "terms" we used to address this unscrupulous illegal government of their own ( I mean for UMNO/BN only).

Let us all, call them a government of illegally installed UMNO/BN perak government which is not legally endorse by the perakians while, our respectable Datuk Seri IR Hj Nizar is the the perak state legally endorsed MB of the perakians.

Definitions of terms of used;
Datuk Seri Nizar, MB of the Perak state by the perakians.

Dr. Zambry, illegally installed MB for UMNO/BN of Perak not perakians.

"sounds logic" !


Sunday, April 19, 2009

D-day of Malaysian Judiciary

It is an abvious ploys by the UMNO/BN to gain control of Perak by whatever means they have indeed.

If the Article 72 of the Federal Constitution say;

(1) The validity of any proceedings in the Legislative Assembly of any State shall not be questioned in any court.

(2) No person shall be liable to any proceedings in any court in respect of anything said or any vote given by him when taking part in proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of any State or of any committee thereof.

(3) No person shall be liable to any proceedings in any court in respect of anything published by or under the authority of the Legislative Assembly of any State.

I think the "RAKYAT" especially Perakians are deeply saddened by the court’s ruling ….
The only way is to throw out UMNO/BN is in the next general election and let the PR government overhaul the whole system.

Penanti: BN mungkin tak bertanding

alvin wrote:

No suprise to recent PM's announcement that they might not field a candidiate for this N12 by-election. That doesn't means that they would not contest until the deadline of candidate's nomination day end. PR just have to be wary of any opportunity that might be used by UMNO/BN.

Anyway, if UMNO/BN intends to field a candidate, they have a big question to ask themself as to whom they should filed !!!

All they have within them are a bunch of rejected stuffs from "RAKYAT" who don't vote for them during PRU-12 and worst still if they (BN components) are fielded and lost, they would be blamed and accused or vice-versa of "not grateful or unappreciative".

The Peoples of malaysia today are smart enough to justify ...

Penanti: BN mungkin tak bertanding Anwar Ibrahim
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata beliau tidak menolak kemungkinan Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak akan menyertai pilihanraya kecil DUN Penanti, Pulau Pinang.
alvin wrote:

Pilihan raya kecil N12 Penanti sepatutnya berlaku sebab ia akan memanfaatkan penduduk Pulau pinang setidak-tidaknya UMNO/BN boleh "SUAP" rakyat (itupun duit rakyat sendiri dari cukai). Jika tidak, UMNO/BN yang simpan balik duit rakyat untuk kepentingan tertentu !

RAKYAT MALAYSIA, jangan terperangkap dengan kenyataan PM UMNO/BN. Mereka ini ada muslihat terselindung yang hanya dapat mengaburi sesetangah rakyat dan juga penduduk Penanti/Pulau Pinang.

1) Bayangkan, "walkover" activiti ekonomi domestik tidak berkembang.
2) Jika PRK N12 berlaku, suasana meriah dengan pemulihan ekonomi domestik sekurang-kurangnya membawa kebaikan penduduk setempat.

Penanti/Penagites, go all out and vote for Peoples Alliance/Pakatan Rakyat).

Follow up ........

Subject:For those of you who could not access Malaysiakini
If truth be told, Najib can't be PM
Zaid Ibrahim Mar 18, 09 1:51pm

The following is the hard-hitting speech by former law minister ZaidIbrahim at the Royal Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur today. MCPX comment This is the second time I have been invited to address a Rotary Club. Thankyou for the honour. Given the times we live in, perhaps it might beappropriate for me to speak about the leadership transition that hasbeen foisted upon us Malaysians.

I say ‘foisted’ because neither me nor anyone in this room had any roleor say in the choice of the person who will lead Malaysia next. We weremere bystanders in a political chess game. And yet the transition is asubject of great consequence to the nation, one I would say is of greatnational interest.

Leadership is definitive; the individual whoassumes the mantle of leadership of this nation, whomever that may be,is one who for better or worse will leave his mark on us. His will bethe hand who guides us to greater success, or possibly gut-wrenchingdisaster.

Save for the dawn of Merdeka, never in the history ofthis country has the choice of prime minister been so crucial: Malaysiais in crisis. We are facing tremendous economic challenges withunavoidably harsh socio-political consequences. Our much undermineddemocracy is once again being assailed by those who would prefer a moreautocratic form of governance.

Our public institutions arehollowed out caricatures, unable to distinguish vested party interestsfrom national ones, unable to offer the man in the street refuge fromthe powerful and connected.Our social fabric that took us fromcolony to an independent nation and on through the obstacles of nationbuilding has reached a point where it sometimes feel like we arehanging on by a thread. This is the Malaysia we live in.

PM’s resignation ill-fatedThisis the Malaysia which Abdullah Ahmad Badawi leaves behind. Our prime minister will resign later this month - an ill-fated decision. I say ill-fated not because he has been a great prime minister and we wouldlose irreplaceable leadership, that is regrettably not the case as allthings said and done, Abdullah could have done much more for Malaysia.

Rather,I say that his resignation is ill-fated because his departure willexpose the country to forces which may take us down the road of perdition faster than ever. Much has been said of Pak Lah being a weakleader. However, what his critics have not adequately addressed are theconsequences of replacing him as prime minister with the anticipatedincoming president of Umno, Najib (Abdul) Razak.

It is anundeniable truth that the average Malaysian is anxious about theanticipated transition. Many would prefer it did not happen.Thereare two reasons why this is so. The first has to do with the reasoning underlying Umno's demand for the transition itself. The second has todo with Najib personally.

We must recall that after the 2008general election - a great success for the nation but a fiasco for Umno– one of the chief complaints by the powers-that-be within Umno wasthat Abdullah’s feeble leadership led to the concept of KetuananMelayu being challenged and ultimately undermined.Hiscritics also lashed out at him for the latitude given to civil society,a move which they believed weakened a key aspect of Umno's politicalleverage. It followed in Umno's mind that in order to regain lostground, it was necessary to reassert its ideology with greater strength.

There was nostalgia for Mahathir's heavy-handed style of leadership and areturn to the times when the party cowed many into subservience andsubmission.The conservatives in Umno yearned for a return to Mahathirism, hoping that it would become a cornerstone of theleadership transition plan. There has been much speculation and punditry on whether a return to the Mahathir era would be good for Malaysia.
Difference between then and now: Let me offer some of my own insight to this debate. The major difference between then and now is this: in most instances, Mahathir was harsh and dictatorial if he believed it was good for the country. But an authoritarian style of government under anyone else would be dictated by the need for self preservation and very little about the country’sinterest. The evidence is all around us. After March 8, (2008)when the prime minister ceased being the home minister, the threats of reprisal have escalated and a climate of fear re-cultivated. The detention of Raja Petra Kamarudin, Teresa Kok and Tan Hoong Cheng exemplify this turn for the worse, this appetite to use the sledge hammer. The shameful power grab in Perak and want on disregard for public opinion over how BN wrested control of the silver state make many people shudder at the prospect of a return to the darkdays. If that was not depressing enough, we have had to bear witness tothe police and the newly-minted Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(MACC) displaying their allegiance and support to the BN when all we needed and craved for were honest brokers. It stands to reason that in the mind of the average Malaysian, having suffered a significant loss last March, Umno is on a rampage to regain what it lost by any method available and the man who is expected to lead it to victory is the man who succeeds Abdullah: Najib (Abdul) Razak. A prime minister must have the confidence of the majority of the rakyat. In order for this to be the case, his integrity must be beyond question; not only must he be such a person character, he must be seen to be such a person. The office of prime minister is one of great trust, he who holds that office cradles the nation in his palms. For this to be the case, there cannot be anything in the mind of the greater public that, correctly or otherwise, associates him with matters of criminality, wrongful action, improper conduct or abuses of power. In short, he must be beyond reproach in his dealings both official and private. Without intending any accusation, it is regrettable that in the collective mind of the rakyat, Najib is not such a person. If a referendum were to be conducted on the subject or if the prime minister was to be elected directly by the rakyat, I do not think Najib would succeed. The reason for this isobvious: the rakyat has doubts, fuelled by the unanswered allegationsagainst him and his unwillingness to confront these allegations. It is not a mere trifle in the minds of the rakyat that despite a direct challenge from a member of parliament in the august House recently, the deputy prime minister remained silent, not even denying the implicit accusation made against him and demanding that it be repeated outside the chamber in the tried and tested methodof refutation employed by parliamentarians throughout the world. It has not assisted the cause of the incoming prime minister that the MP concerned was suspended for a year on a motion tabled by a fellowminister without the member having been afforded an opportunity todefend his position. Evidence of SMS text-messages Consider this. Commissions were paid to an agent for the procurement ofsubmarines through the Defence Ministry, Najib (then) being the defence minister.
It is unthinkable that he had no knowledge that the agent was his adviser and aide, Abdul Razak Baginda. The commission paid out was exceedingly large, in excess of RM400 million. The defence minister was duty bound to direct enquiries to see if there had been any impropriety in the way the contracts were awarded when news of thecommission surfaced; after all the price of the submarines would beconsiderably lower without the need for such commissions. Taxpayers, you and I, have paid for those submarines at a price that in all probability factored in the commission. Taxpayers are yet to be told of an inquiry let alone the result of such an inquiry.
Consider the Altantuya Shaariibuu affair. A young woman was brutally murdered, her corpse destroyed by explosives. These explosives are not the usual type of explosives, yet no inquiry was held to determine how they were available to these killers. Those accused of her murder are police officers serving in the Unit Tindakan Khas, a highly specialised unit who amongst other things serve as bodyguards to the prime minister and the deputy prime minister. Amidst evidence that the accused were employed to protect the PM and the DPM, they were directed to (Abdul) Razak Baginda through the aide of the deputy prime minister.
Amongst other things, we have heard of the senior investigating officer admitting that the deputy prime minister was an important witness and yet no statement was taken. It isnot unreasonable to think that this is irregular, more so when evidence of SMS text-messages from the deputy prime minister concerning material matters have surfaced. The text-messages cannot be ignored, proverbially swept under the carpet. Even if they do not establish - or are not capable of establishing - any culpability on thepart of Najib, these issues must be addressed. The air must be cleared, it is thick with accusations and doubts which can onlyundermine the office of the prime minister if he were to assume it. The deputy prime minister's cause has not been aided by the fact that charges were preferred against (Abdul) Razak Baginda only after public outcry, the manner in which the prosecution was conducted and the decision of the High Court acquitting (Abdul) Razak Baginda not having been appealed.

Power grab an unmitigated disaster: The Perak affair was an unmitigated disaster for the nation. It is no secret that Najib led the charge there and is still overseeing matters. Inthe minds of Malaysians, Perak is synonymous with the deputy prime minister. They now equate him with the high-handed tactics that were employed to seize power, tactics that included the disappearances of the three crucial assembly persons and the blockading of the legislative assembly by the police. In doing so, they equate the DPM withthe hijacking of democracy, the only persons saying otherwise being those persons who have associations with Umno. In their minds, no responsible leader would allow for the undermining of the institutions of state and the constitution of this nation.
They ask, rightly so, whether this is the kind of leadership that Malaysians can expect from Najib when he becomes the prime minister. With all of this, and more, how are we not to feel anxious? How are we to sleep peacefully at night? I know that I cannot. The situation is desperate and the air is pregnant with tension. We need the state of affairs to be resolved in a way that is in the best interests of the nation and the rakyat. To an extent, this is a matter for the Barisan Nasional. I urge its members to put politics aside and think things through. We all want a better future, a safer and more prosperous life for our children, all of them, a Malaysia where our children can reach for the stars with the certainty that there is nothing to stop them from being the Malaysians they want to be.
Let the king be king maker: I do not believe that the Barisan Nasional will do what is necessary. Politics has a tendency of making those who embrace it cynical. The answer lies elsewhere, with His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. In this case, His Majesty plays the role of ‘kingmaker’. The discretion to appoint the prime minister who succeeds Abdullah lies with His Majesty. Though His Majesty is required under the constitution to appoint the person who commands the confidence of the majority of the members of parliament, it is a matter for His Majesty's judgment. Never before has such a heavy burden being laid on His Majesty to make a brave and correct choice. For King and country, I urge His Majesty to take into consideration the prerequisites to appointment and the concerns of the rakyat. There is no constitutional obligation on His Majesty to appoint the president of Umno as the prime minister. There are still well qualified members of parliament from Umno who can be appointed PM to bring us back from the brink. Malaysia needs someone who the rakyat can throw their weight behind without reservation. Someone they can trust and respect. Someone who has no scandal to distract him and thereby gain respect from the international community. These are difficult times and be prepared for worst times to visit us. Malaysia needs a leader who will unite the country in the face of the adversity. Divided, we are weak. I am loath to say it, but for the reasons I have set out am compelled to say that Najib will most certainly divide us and in doing so, will nudge us closer to the edge. Some of you may say that all efforts to promote the national interest are at this stage an exercise in futility. If truth be told, I am tempted to slip into cynical hopelessness too.
I am fighting the temptation to give upfor one simple reason: Malaysia and all that it represents. This is a blessed country, a country too valuable for us to turn our backs on.

Share your view
Follow up by; alvin_gov
Follow up ........
Penanti: BN mungkin tak bertanding
post info
By Anwar Ibrahim
Categories: Analisis, Demokrasi, Ekonomi, Isu Semasa, Malaysia, Pakatan Rakyat and Sidenotes
Dari Malaysiakini

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata beliau tidak menolak kemungkinan Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak akan menyertai pilihanraya kecil DUN Penanti, Pulau Pinang.

alvin wrote:

Saudara DSAI, salam sejahtera,
Mengenai perkara ini, saya berharap pemimpin pakatan rakyat tidaklah terbawa-bawa dengan cakap-cakap atau hasrat UMNO/BN tidak bertanding !!!
Pada pendapat saya, UMNO/BN sudah ketandusan akal dan cuba memperdayakan pemimpin pakatan rakyat supaya pemimpin pakatan rakyat akan mengeluarkan segala kenyataan terhadap UMNO/BN. Sebaliknya kenyataan-kenyataan yang dikeluarkan itulah akan menjadi isu percakapan UMNO/BN sekiranya pemimpin pakatan rakyat terlanjur dalam apajua ucapan mahupun komen-komen ! Jikalau benar berlaku, ia akan memberikan gambaran negatif kepada PAKATAN RAKYAT .

Majoriti Rakyat Malaysia pada dasarnya sudahpun menerima “PAKATAN RAKYAT” dan haruslah diperingati oleh semua pemimpin pakatan supaya semua perlakuan ada batasnya. Pemimpin pakatan seharusnya memperhalusi segala strategi perlaksanaan untuk kepentingan “RAKYAT MALAYSIA” selain daripada tumpuan politik semamsa.
Saya mengucapkan semoga PAKATAN RAKYAT berjaya dalam PRK penanti dan mengharungi segala arus tentangan …


Saturday, April 18, 2009


Anonymous said...
1. Tujuan sebenarnya Guru grade A di benarkan berpolitik ialah mudah bagi UMNO mengenal pasti siapa pembangkang dalam pentadbiran pendidikan, selepas itu mudah lah kerja mereka untuk memindah dan menghukum mereka sampai suatu hari nanti bila mereka tidak tahan lagi maka terpaksa sokong BN, saat itu mereka akan di jaja dalam TV/media lain dan disuruh memaki hamun pihak pembangkang. 2. idak mungkin mereka boleh menyokong pembangkang sebab mereka akan diturun pangkat.3. Ini akan merosakkan pendidikan negara sebab guru guru ini akan bermahajalela, keluar meeting sesuka hati sampai lewat malam, kerja hakiki gerenti akan dipingir.3. Apa akan berlaku jika Guru besar pembangkang dan guru bawah Umno?4. Apa akan berlaku jika guru besar UMNO dan guru bawahan PAS/DAP?

April 18, 2009 12:23 PM

alvin_gov said ...

alvin wrote :

Cadangan guru berpoliltik memang cukup tidak berpelajaran. Macamana kita ada menteri pelajaran yang tak berkebolehan dan buntut pemikiran asyik mementingkan UMNO/BN ???

April 18, 2009 12:47 PM
Follow up ........
SPR Alat UMNO/BN Mahu Sekat Bilangan Penyokong Parti
Sejak dulu kini dan selamanya SPR sering kali dilihat bersikap senget sebelah dalam mengendalikan pilihanraya di negara ini khususnya apabila melibatkan pembangkang.

alvin wrote :

Nampaknya UMNO/BN sekarang cuba meyekat hak kebebasan rakyat. Ini meunjukkan bahawa yang mereka punya sokongan daripada agensi-agensi di bawah naungan UMNO/BN sahaja yang ada.

Kebanyakkan "RAKYAT" sudahpun tidak menyokong UMNO/BN...SPR tidak seharusnya membuat atau mengikut arahan UMNO/BN yang tidak rational jikalau SPR adalah sebuah agensi indipendent. Ataupun ini adalah satu mainan politik dan pada akhirnya, peyekatan penyokong semamsa kempen ditarik balik untuk merai sokongan ataupun undi ! Kesian betul UMNO/BN.

alvin_gov : 10.06am
Written by alvin;

Pakatan rakyat's leaders must now plays an active role in monitoring current BN/UMNO administration and at the same time PR should strategised in all aspects to counter any forms of tricks by these old trend BN/UMNO.

The malaysian peoples interest must always be the top priority ! The rakyat will only vote for leaders who really cares.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Follow up ........

PKR disrespectful of CM in calling for by-election: Gerakan
By : Lee Keng Fatt

GEORGE TOWN, Fri: Apr 17, 20:46
Penang Gerakan said today it was disrespectful for Parti Keadilan Rakyat to force a by-election for the Penanti state constituency without the consent and knowledge from chief minister Lim Guan Eng.
Party secretary Ong Thean Lye said Lim should have been told about the resignation of former deputy chief minister Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin as Penanti state assemblyman as well as the by-election. "That Lim said he had no knowledge of the matter shows PKR does not respect him as chief minister. "As the state's chief executive officer, Lim has the prerogative over matters in the state administration, especially in the appointment and replacement of the deputy chief minister. "He seems to have lost the power to PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
"We understand that Lim, being the DAP secretary-general, can only control his own party and own men but when the post of deputy chief minister involves the state administration, Lim should be firm in making a decision," he said.This latest fiasco only added to people's fears that the Pakatan was not a coalition of power-sharing but a coalition of supremacy of one man, he said.Ong questioned whether Lim supported the idea of having a by-election in Penang, in the midst of facing the current global economic crisis. PKR, he said, was forcing the by-election to allow Anwar to pick his own man to be the next deputy chief minister at the expense of the people's interest because a by-election cost the government a lot of money and energy as stated by Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof.

Alvin wrote;

This is another stupid statements made by gerakan's "impotent" leaders ! Using same old style of politicking.

Bottom line, BN/UMNO is now KIASU. (scared of losing again in by-election)

LGE & DSAI as PAKATAN RAKYAT's leaders shows BN/UMNO how to respect each other when it comes to decision making affecting its alliance. It is unquestionable act in this respect.

alvin_gov : 10.09 pm
Follow up ........
Will Najib's KPIs Work?
The Sun article published yesterday.

What and where are the KPI's descriptions? Had it been brought up to the parliament for approval prior to implementation?

Najib's KPI only works for UMNO/BN and not for the best interest of the RAKYAT as a whole.

As a caring citizen of MALAYSIA, we the RAKYAT has the right to know the KPIs which directly effect the peoples interest !

Maybe the KPI minister still not sure or how to configure the KPI ???

alvin_gov :- 7.55 pm

Penanti by-election (UMNO/BN KIASU)

Follow up .....

Najib: Not the time for another by-election
Apr 17, 09 12:26pm

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today lashed out at PKR for playing political games at the time when the nation should be united in focusing on solving the global economic crisis.
“The resignation is politically motivated and a political game just for their own purposes and self-interests,” he told reporters in Klang.
“The people generally do not like by-elections that are held deliberately,” he added.
He said that by-elections should not be called for wantonly but only held if “the state representative had passed away”.
“There is so much time, energy and money being spent on by-elections that we do not even need.
“There is so much politicking in the country when we should have instead focused on fixing the economy, prioritising the people’s benefits. We should move forward (beyond this),” he said.

alvin wrote:

UMNO/BN kiasu because they do not have the confidence from majority of rakyat now.
UMNO/BN shits only can agree with by election if it happens in east malaysia for they do not have excess of real story and the facts of dirty gambits played by these unfit leaders.
The by election (if confrimed) will only do good for the peoples of penanti/penang because the UMNO/BN will again pay out monies to peoples and to go all out in promising all sort of projects that benefits peoples.
Otherwise, the UMNO/BN would not wants to commit anythings to the rakyat especially if the state is governed by pakatan rakyat.

alvin_gov :- 7.44 pm